全球優秀青年學子來臺蹲點計畫 Taiwan Experience Education Program(TEEP)
TEEP 官網 申請方式
一、來臺蹲點學員招募資格 Qualifications for Recruiting TEEP Participants
Invitations are extended to young overseas Chinese individuals, high school graduates and above, from countries with the potential for international exchange development (with a focus on the United States and Central and Eastern European countries, but not limited to them) to participate in the stationed program in Taiwan. It is essential to note that individuals who have already obtained a doctoral degree or are currently studying or conducting research in Taiwan are not eligible and may not participate in this program.
二、計畫期程 TEEP Project Schedule
The project duration for this initiative spans from December 1, 2023 to December 31,2024. Project leaders may autonomously set the project schedule based on the actual arrival dates of stationed participants, but it is mandatory that the schedule is finalized and participants arrive no later than December 31, 2024. In the case of exceptional circumstances, schools are allowed to apply for an extension before December 15, 113th year.
三、補助經費規定 Subsidy Regulations
(1) 112-113 TEEP計畫申請/補助核定經費一覽表。
Summary of Approved Funds for the 112-113 TEEP Project Application/Grant
(2) 學生撥款方式有以下二種:
Due to students' lack of residency permits for their stationed study, opening bank accounts and establishing school records is difficult. Therefore, scholarship funds are directly transferred to students by the respective project leaders in cash.
Students are required to personally sign individual receipts. The monthly maximum limit is based on the announced quota of the project. The actual disbursed amount is calculated based on the number of days the student has been in Taiwan that month (e.g., 15000/30 * number of days in Taiwan)
To avoid future disputes, all project leaders are required to ensure that TEEP students stationed on-site open bank accounts at Taiwan Post. Monthly on-site scholarships should be directly processed and debited to the students' accounts through the school's accounting system. Please refrain from temporarily borrowing funds and transferring them independently or issuing cash directly to the students.
Students under the TEEP program holding a visitor visa need to apply for a unified ID online if they wish to open a bank account. After obtaining the unified ID, they should bring the unified ID certificate and passport to the post office for account opening. Check the following link to know more information.
UI No. Online Application System
Account opening Information of Post Office
(3) 經費用途 Use of Funds:
Foreign Student Stationed Scholarship: This is a scholarship, and each participant can receive a maximum of NT$15,000 per month. If the duration of participation in the stationed program is less than one month, the scholarship will be provided proportionally. Whether the scholarship is continued if the foreign student receives admission during the stationed period is at the discretion of the project leader. If a foreign student has already participated in the TEEP program of Department A within the university and wishes to apply for the TEEP program of Department B, the project leader is authorized to decide whether to admit the student based on the optimization of resources and benefits. The total duration for receiving the TEEP scholarship for each stationed student should not exceed 6 months, and overlapping support is not allowed. If an extension of the stationed period is approved (exceeding 6 months), the scholarship for the extended period must be self-funded by the hosting school.
Operating Expenses: Various necessary operating expenses, such as material costs, hourly fees for project execution, and other expenses in line with the objectives of the project, are authorized to be flexibly allocated by the project leader. All of the above must be processed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Muinistry of Education's "Guidelines for the Allocation and Reporting of Subsidies (Donations) and Commissioned Funds" and the standards for fund utilization.
Personnel Expenses: The number of full-time and part-time staff members should not exceed four, and personnel expenses should not exceed 25% of the total project funding subsidized by the university.
例: 若每月保留20%之經費(3,000元),則每月僅能給予學生1.2萬元。
Each foreign student is eligible to receive a maximum of NT$15,000 TEEP scholarship per month. The university can allocate a maximum monthly subsidy of 20% (NT$3,000) per person as operating expenses. If a participant's involvement in the stationed program is less than one month, the subsidy should be provided proportionally based on the number of days. The subsidy period is limited to 6 months (the stay period may be non-continuous). Within the total funding allocation of the project, the project leader is authorized to increase the scholarship amount based on the outstanding performance of on-site participants, with a maximum of NTD 30,000 per person per month (regardless of nationality).
Example: If 20% of the funds are retained each month (NT$3,000), then the monthly subsidy for each student can only be NT$12,000.
If the number of stationed participants recruited for the project is below the minimum required number of personnel (number * months), the funds corresponding to the unfulfilled person-months should be returned.
TEEP participants stationed in Taiwan are not allowed to work or engage in activities unrelated to the project and receive compensation during their stationed period. If TEEP participants arrange for internships outside the university, the external internship organization or company may provide internship allowances based on the actual execution of the project. The participation of stationed participants in external internships is still considered part of this stationed project and does not require the application for a work permit from the Ministry of Labor. The project leader should negotiate the internship details with the external internship organization to ensure the quality of the internship.
四、學生入境作業規定 Immigration Procedures for Students
The program schedule runs from December of the 2023 to December of the 2024. Project leaders have the flexibility to set the program schedule based on the actual entry dates of stationed participants, but students must enter the country no later than December 31, 2024.
The invitation letter required for Visa application must be issued by the supervisor of the project leader's affiliated unit (if the project leader is the head of an academic or research unit, the letter can be issued in their own name). A template for the invitation letter is provided, and teachers are free to modify the content according to agreements with students. However, it is essential not to delete the wording indicating the absence of any commercial employment relationship ("no employment relations").
五、學生入境後 After Students have Arrived in Taiwan
1. 因學員所持簽證為停留簽證,依衛福部規定須進行短期研修健康檢查(丙表體檢),請計畫主持人務必要求學生於入境後2週內至合格醫院進行檢查,並將體檢報告提供予國際處承辦人,將整合後提交予衛保組,健檢資訊請查閱下方連結。
Since the visa held by the students is a temporary stay visa, in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, project leader are required to ask your student to do the short-term training health check (Form C) after entry. Students must undergo the examination within one week of their arrival and provide the health check report to the International Affairs Office personnel, who will compile the reports and submit them to the Health Insurance Division. Check the following link to know more information of Health check.
To maintain the health and safety of all residents, if TEEP students are assigned to the international student dormitory managed by OIA(Office of International Affairs) they must complete a health check within 2 weeks after check-in. The receipt of the health check must be submitted to the dormitory coordinator for verification. Failure to undergo or complete the health check on time will result in the cancellation of accommodation eligibility, and students must vacate the dormitory within the specified timeframe.
2. 教育部要求外國青年學子來臺需投保相關保險,計畫主持人應要求來臺蹲點人員需加保涵蓋來來期間之醫療險,欲來台投保者,請務必備齊費用。
The Ministry of Education requires that foreign youth students coming to Taiwan must purchase relevant insurance. Project leaders are required to request stationed individuals in Taiwan to obtain additional coverage for medical insurance during their stay. Those intending to purchase insurance for their visit to Taiwan are reminded to ensure that they have the necessary funds for this purpose.
Students may opt for self-insurance (proof of insurance required). Those unable to arrange insurance on their own or unable to provide proof of insurance will be assisted by the personnel in the International Affairs Office. One week before their arrival in Taiwan, the project leaders will assist the students in obtaining additional coverage for foreign student medical insurance (students must provide passport details). The monthly premium is NT$500, and the cost is borne by the students themselves (to be paid upon arrival in Taiwan).
六、結案 Conclusion
1. 個別計畫結束(最後一名學生結束蹲點)後一個月內,計畫主持人需要提供計畫成果報告、經費收支結算報告表(結餘款/無結餘款)、蹲點學員名冊、計畫成果摘要報告(教育部規定各計畫以5頁為限,不得超過)予國際處。計畫期程最遲應於114年6月30日前結束。
Within a month after the conclusion of each individual project (upon the completion of the last student's stationed period), project leaders are required to submit the project achievement report, financial statement (with surplus or no surplus), list of stationed students, and a summary report of project achievements (as stipulated by the Ministry of Education, limited to 5 pages and not exceeding). The project must conclude no later than June 30,2025.